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Can International Students Do Internships in Malaysia?

By Shahd Ashraf | Updated 6 months ago | 14 min read
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Can International Students Do Internships in Malaysia?

A common question we often get is…can international students do internships in Malaysia? We are here to tell you that yes, international students can do internships in Malaysia. 

In fact, most university programs in Malaysia require students to undergo an internship or a practical course. 

The internship or the practicum carry a certain number of credit hours that contribute to the total credit hours for the course, and therefore are considered a requirement for graduation.

Types of Internships 

  1. Paid or Unpaid Internship

  2. Online Internship

  3. University Internship 

Paid and Unpaid Internships

It is important to know that some internships are paid, and some are not. 

Some corporate organizations are more than willing to offer an allowance for the internship program. Paid internships usually range from RM600 to RM1500 (USD 130 to USD 320)

However, there are no legal requirements for the organization to pay the student undergoing an internship. This is because internship students are not considered employees, and therefore are not subject to any salary or allowance.

Hence, the motive for unpaid internships is to enrich the student's skills and knowledge that  they will need in their future career prospects.

Online Internships

Online internships are available as an option for international students who prefer to conduct their training from the comfort of their home country while being attached to an organization in Malaysia.

This type of internship can be referred to as online internship, virtual internship, or remote internship. It does not require the student to be physically present, but rather complete their practical tasks remotely. 

Check out this list of 25+ virtual internship programs available in 2024

University Internship

If you are wondering, can international students do internships in Malaysia at their university… we assure you that yes, they can.

This type of internship allows you to complete your internship within the university you study in. You will be able to do the internship with your school, or with any center of excellence at the university. 

It is important to know that the university internship has to be related to your own major, as it is part of the graduation requirements. 

Be sure to refer to your school/college or academic supervisor for advice regarding doing an internship at your unievrsity.

Where can International Students Do Internships in Malaysia?

It's recommended that international students seek out the top global companies to do their internships in.

Typically, the top companies are located in bigger cities such as Johor, Kuala Lumpur, and Penang. 

Not only will you gain experience from one of the best companies globally, but you will also get to explore a city that is unique and diverse in  nature and culture. 

Major Companies that Offer Internships

Not only can international students do internships in Malaysia, they can also do it at some of the top global companies. Here is a list of the top companies that offer internship programs for international students in Malaysia.






Robert Bosch




Boston Scientific

Malaysia Airlines











Take a look at this list by Glassdoor for more top companies that offer internship programs for international students.

Can International Students Do Internships in Malaysia Without a Work Visa?

You do not need a work visa to do an internship in Malaysia. Your visa status will remain as a student visa, and your internship offer letter will acknowledge that you are a student.

Moreover, you do not need work visa to do internship in Malaysia, as internships are not considered full time jobs and interns are not considered employees.

Duration Of Internship

There is a minimum of 2-months for international students to do internship in Malaysia. Typically, internships last between 2-6 months. On rare occasions, some internships may be for 1 year.

All in all, the duration of your internship will be stated in the offer letter given to you by the organization before you report to duty. 

What Do You Do After Your Internship?

Since your internship will be related to your field of study, you can be eligible to work at the organization after completing the internship.

As you gain expertise during your training, some organizations might see that you are a good fit for the role, and hence may offer you a full-time job afterwards. 

On another note, after your internship is over, you can choose to carry the experience with you and travel to a different location to expand your career further. 

After all, the ball is in your court, so do what you see is best for your career goals!

Written by Shahd Ashraf
Updated 6 months ago | min read

Shahd Ashraf is a reader, a writer, an English teacher, and a lover of classical language. Her passion for language began when she joined a poetry club in college. Shahd’s writing extends beyond words and yearns to connect with the reader on a meaningful level.

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