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Bachelor of Fashion Design (Hons)

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City University Malaysia

Bachelor of Fashion Design (Hons)

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City University Malaysia

Bachelor of Fashion Design (Hons)

Bachelor's Degree
3 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 13,200
2nd YearMYR 16,800
3rd YearMYR 16,800
Other Fees
Description Fee
Graduation processing feeMYR 1,000
Resource Fee (Per Semester)MYR 500
University Administrative FeesMYR 4,500
Visa and Insurance (EMGS)MYR 3,150

Would you like to apply to
City University Malaysia ?

The Bachelor of Fashion Design (Hons) Program at City University Malaysia is carefully crafted to meet the demands of the fashion and related industries. It focuses on the creative and practical skills required by professionals in the field. Through its design-centric approach to learning and teaching, the program aims to be relevant and up-to-date. It emphasizes project-based and studio-based learning methods, fostering lifelong learning skills among students. The program offers a comprehensive understanding of color palettes, figures, and textures in fashion design. Through various experiences and learning opportunities, students develop the skills to effectively use these elements in their designs.

Future Careers 

Fashion Designers, Freelance Designers, Self-Employment, Own Fashion Business, Trend Predictions, Stylists, Design Consultants, Fashion Illustrators, Pattern Cutters And Garment Technologists as well as Areas within Fashion Publishing, Marketing, Branding, Retail, Merchandising and Buying



• Bahasa Kebangsaan A* / Entrepreneurship
• Co Curriculum**
• English for Academic Purposes
• Intro to Fashion Design Studies
• Fashion Drawing
• Intro to Textiles
• History of Costume
• Entrepreneurship/ Bahasa Kebangsaan A**
• Fashion Draping
• Pattern Drafting 1
• Sewing Applications 1
• Pattern Drafting 2 Sewing Applications 2


• Academic Skills / Hubungan Etnik / TITAS / Pengajian Malaysia 3
• Advanced Fashion Draping
• Fashion Retail
• Garment and Composition Drawing
• Computer Aided for Fashion Design
• Academic Writing Skills
• English for Employment
• Garment Project
• Fashion Illustration
• Fashion Culture, Styles & Trends Analysis
• Falsafah dan Isu Semasa & Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban / Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi & Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban / Falsafah dan Isu Semasa
• Design Research & Development Fashion Communication


• Design Production
• Fashion Accessories & Footwear Design
• Fashion Event Management
• Fashion Editing & Digital Media
• Law for the Creative Industries
• Fashion Design Project & Portfolio
• Computer Aided For Fashion Design & Portfolio
• Fashion Images & Styling
• Internship

Credit Hours : 124

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