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Diploma in Nursing

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City University Malaysia

Diploma in Nursing

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City University Malaysia

Diploma in Nursing

3 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 11,900
2nd YearMYR 14,903
3rd YearMYR 13,587
Other Fees
Description Fee
Graduation processing feeMYR 1,000
Resource Fee (Per Semester)MYR 300
University Administrative FeesMYR 4,500
Visa and Insurance (EMGS)MYR 3,150

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The Diploma in Nursing program at City University Malaysia is designed to prepare students to become qualified Registered Nurses. It focuses on both the 'care' aspects of nursing and the 'science' of healthcare. The program aims to equip nurses with the skills and knowledge to provide safe, caring, competent, and professional nursing care across the lifespan continuum.

The Diploma in Nursing program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers both theoretical and practical aspects of nursing. Students develop critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills necessary for delivering high-quality nursing care. Practical training is integrated into the program through clinical placements, where students gain hands-on experience in real healthcare settings under the guidance of experienced nurses.

Future careers

Graduates of the program can pursue various future careers. They can work as Registered Nurses in different healthcare settings, providing direct patient care. With experience and further education, nurses can progress to leadership roles such as Ward Sister, Managers, or Director of Nursing. Some may choose to specialize as Clinical Nurse Specialists, providing expert care in specific areas. Others may opt for careers as Occupational Health Nurses, focusing on promoting and maintaining the health and safety of workers. Additionally, graduates can become Clinical Instructors, Lecturers, or Nurse Educators, sharing their knowledge and skills with future nursing students.


• Human Biology I
• Microbiology,
• Immunology, Parasitology
• Communication and Public Relations
• Principles and Practice in Nursing 1
• Psychology & Sociology
• Nursing Practice 1
• Human Biology 2
• Pharmacology
• Medical & Surgical Nursing 1
• Principles and Practice in Nursing 2
• Nursing Practice 2
• Pengajian Malaysia 2 (Local student) and Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 1 (International) 


• Medical & Surgical Nursing II
• Medical & Surgical Nursing III
• Women’s Health
• Nursing Practice III
• Academic English 1
• Medical & Surgical Nursing IV
• Medical & Surgical Nursing V
• Community Health Nursing
• Nursing Practice IV
• Academic English II


• Medical & Surgical Nursing VI
• Mental Health Nursing
• Disaster & Emergency Nursing
• Nursing Practice V
• Professional Communication / Bahasa Kebangsaan A
• Nursing Management
• Nursing Research
• Nursing Practice 6
• Nursing Practice 7
• Basic Entrepreneurship
• Academic English 3
• Co-Curriculum

Credit Hours : 108

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