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Doctor of Philosophy in Built Environment

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City University Malaysia

Doctor of Philosophy in Built Environment

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City University Malaysia

Doctor of Philosophy in Built Environment

Doctoral Degree (PhD)
3 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 13,000
2nd YearMYR 14,200
3rd YearMYR 12,600
Other Fees
Description Fee
Graduation processing feeMYR 1,000
University Administrative FeesMYR 4,500
Visa and Insurance (EMGS)MYR 3,150

Would you like to apply to
City University Malaysia ?

The Doctor of Philosophy in Built Environment programme is a strategic initiative designed to improve employment opportunities and promote innovation in the architectural and built environment industries. Its goal is to improve the pool of talented researchers and inventors, hence improving Malaysia's worldwide competitiveness and ASEAN leadership position. With significant industry backing from a variety of sectors like as education, construction, research, and sustainable development, the programme is well-positioned to generate graduates in high-demand fields. Interested individuals can learn more about the programme and potential scholarships for transformative possibilities in the field.

Future Careers 

esearchers, inventors, consultants, educators, urban planners, sustainability specialists, architectural practitioners, policy makers, project managers, and international development specialists, contributing to advancements in sustainable design, urban planning, construction, and policy formulation globally.

Subjects offered*

  • Advanced Designer Urbanism & Architecture
  • Community Architecture and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Collaborative Design
  • Architectural Theory and Urban Studies
  • Professional Practice Architect and Law
  • Architectural Research Methods
  • Integrated Technology and Environment
  • BIM Coordination and Management


*(not limited to)

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