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Diploma in Early Childhood Education

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Cyberjaya University Malaysia (UoC)

Diploma in Early Childhood Education

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Cyberjaya University Malaysia (UoC)

Diploma in Early Childhood Education

2.5 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 18,987
2nd YearMYR 18,987
3rd YearMYR 6,330
Other Fees
Description Fee
Administrative FeeMYR 8,000
International Student Processing FeeMYR 1,500
Registration FeeMYR 2,000
Visa Application FeeMYR 2,200

Would you like to apply to
Cyberjaya University Malaysia (UoC) ?

The Diploma in Early Childhood Education at the University of Cyberjaya in Malaysia offers a comprehensive curriculum that equips students with the essential knowledge and skills to pursue a career in the field of Early Childhood Education (ECE).

The program emphasizes a holistic approach to education, recognizing the significance of both the physical and mental growth of young children. Students are provided with a solid foundation in understanding child development, early learning theories, and effective teaching methodologies.

Future Careers

  • Pre-school teachers
  • School teachers
  • Education consultants


Year 1

  • Introduction to Early Childhood Education
  • Development of Malaysian Preschool Curriculum
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Principles of Teaching and Learning in ECE
  • Technology in Early Childhood Education
  • Guiding Children (Observation and Assessment)
  • Arts and Creativity in Early Childhood Education
  • Classroom and Behavioural Management
    (Spiritual and Moral values)
  • Personal and Professional Development
  • Social Studies in Early Childhood Education
  • Learning Disabilities

Year 2

  • Early Mathematics for Children
  • Music Appreciation and Movement in ECE
  • Leadership in ECE
  • Management in Early Childhood Education
  • Early Science for Children
  • Child and Adolescent Development
  • Early Childhood Policies and Services
  • Language and Literacy in ECE
  • The Child, Family and Community Relations in ECE
  • Safety, Health and Nutrition in Early Childhood Education
  • Entrepreneurship in Early Childhood Education
  • Communication and Persuasion in Early Childhood Education

Year 3

  • Practicum 1 (Nursery)
  • Practicum 2 (Kindergarten)
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