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Master of Physiotherapy

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Cyberjaya University Malaysia (UoC)

Master of Physiotherapy

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Cyberjaya University Malaysia (UoC)

Master of Physiotherapy

Master's Degree
1.6 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 16,332
2nd YearMYR 6,168
Other Fees
Description Fee
Administrative FeeMYR 8,000
International Student Processing FeeMYR 1,500
Registration FeeMYR 2,000
Visa Application FeeMYR 2,200

Would you like to apply to
Cyberjaya University Malaysia (UoC) ?

The Master of Physiotherapy program at the University of Cyberjaya (UoC) is designed for physiotherapists seeking to enhance their skills in disease management and community health promotion. The program offers specialized courses, practical experience, and clinical postings. Graduates can pursue careers as physiotherapy managers, consultants, academicians, and research officers. The program can be completed in 1.5 years full-time or 3 years part-time, and includes 8 weeks of clinical posting in the student's chosen specialization.

Future Careers 

  • Clinician with specialty in musculoskeletal / neurology
  • working at public hospitals, private hospital, NGOs,
  • PERKESO, or health centres
  • Research assistant
  • Lecturer
  • Tutor
  • Case manager
  • Physiotherapy manager

Musculoskeletal Specialisation Year 1

  • Advanced Applied Anatomy
  • Research Methods & Statistics
  • Pain Management
  • Motor Control and Learning
  • Research Proposal Development
  • Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy of the Extremities
  • Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy of the Spine

Musculoskeletal Specialisation Year 2

  • Advanced Neuroscience
  • Research Methods & Statistics
  • Motor Control and Learning
  • Pain Management
  • Research Proposal Development
  • Advanced Neurological Approaches
  • Advanced Neurological Management

Year 2 for both Musculoskeletal and Neurology Specialisation

  • Research Project
  • Clinical Practice

Neurology Specialisation Year 2

  • Research Project
  • Clinical Practice
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