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Bachelor of Media and Communication

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INTI International University Malaysia(Subang)

Bachelor of Media and Communication

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INTI International University Malaysia(Subang)

Bachelor of Media and Communication

Bachelor's Degree
3 years
English Requirement
Not Required
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
No data
Other Fees
Description Fee
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INTI International University Malaysia ?

The Bachelor of Media and Communication Program at INTI International University Malaysia prepares students for careers in the media, communications, and multimedia industries. It covers topics such as media evolution, ownership, and the impact of new technologies. The program offers a major in Social Media and Advertising, providing students with a deep understanding of social media platforms and the skills to analyze and leverage emerging media technologies in industry. This Program is in collaboration with Swinburne University Of Technology, Australia.

Future Careers

  • Digital advertising specialist
  • Digital marketer
  • Social Media Officer
  • Social Media Producer

not offered

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