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Master of Information Technology

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Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL)
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Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL)

Master of Information Technology

Master's Degree
1.5 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 22,260
2nd YearMYR 9,540
Other Fees
Description Fee
Caution (Refundable)MYR 1,500
Ikad Fee (non refundable)MYR 50
International Student FeeMYR 12,000
Visa and InsuranceMYR 1,210

Would you like to apply to
Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) ?

The Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Program at City University Malaysia focuses on enhancing the student's intellectual capacity, develop their managerial skills, and cultivate their executive personality. Graduates are equipped to take on entry-level managerial roles in various sectors, including business, industry, public sector organizations, and consultancy firms. They also have the option to embark on their own entrepreneurial ventures. The program is designed to produce job-ready graduates who are attuned to their operating environment and understand the factors that contribute to work effectiveness.

Entry Requirements

  • A Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant field with a CGPA of 2.75 and above from any institution of higher learning recognized by the Malaysian government OR other qualifications approved by the Senate of IUKL.

For other qualifications and certificates (e.g.,,Other qualifications equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree , etc..) please contact our educational consultants or submit your application for Admission assessment.

Future Careers 

  • Software Developer/Engineer
  •  IT Consultant
  • Data Scientist 
  • Cybersecurity Analyst 
  • Database Administrator
  • IT Project Manager
  • Network Administrator 
  • IT Architect
  • Data Analyst
  • IT Manager.

Bridging courses for students from Non-Computing background

Programming Fundamentals, System Analysis and Design, Computer Architecture

Core Subjects (31 credits)

Programming Languages, Database Management, Computer Network, System Development Methodologies, Research Methodology, Project Management, Management Information Systems, Project 1, Project 2

Major Subjects – Select 1 Major From IT Management, Networking Or Software Engineering

IT Management

Compulsory (3 CREDITS)
Entrepreneurship in IT
Choose Two (6 CREDITS)
Business Intelligence, E-Commerce, Managing Information Technology


Compulsory (3 CREDITS)
Network Design
Choose Two (6 CREDITS)
Wireless Technology, Mobile Network, Cryptography & Network Security

Software Engineering

Compulsory (3 CREDITS)
Requirements Engineering
Choose Two (6 CREDITS)
Human-Computer Interaction, Software Quality & Measurements, Software Evolution & Maintenance

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