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Diploma in Computer Forensic

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Management and Science University (MSU)

Diploma in Computer Forensic

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Management and Science University (MSU)

Diploma in Computer Forensic

2.5 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 19,898
2nd YearMYR 23,907
Other Fees
Description Fee
Annual Visa Renewal FeeMYR 5,940
Deposit (Refundable)MYR 1,500
EMGS Application Fee (Visa)MYR 2,159
Registration and Application FeeMYR 2,680

Would you like to apply to
Management and Science University (MSU) ?

The Diploma in Computer Forensic Program at Managment & Science University (MSU) Malaysia focuses on investigating illegal activities conducted through computers and digital media. Skilled professionals in computer forensics are in high demand to uncover electronic fraud, cyber-attacks, unauthorized computer use, and intellectual property theft. This program equips students with the latest skills to perform comprehensive technical analysis of networks and computers. By completing the Diploma in Computer Forensic curriculum, students will acquire the necessary expertise to interpret digital data effectively and meet the demands of the field.

Future Careers

  • Digital Forensics
  • Cyber Programmer
  • In law-enforcement agencies and consulting companies.

Among the Courses Offered

Year One

  • Basic Discrete Mathematics
  • Introduction to Criminal Law
  • Data Communicationand Network
  • System Analysisand Design

Year Two

  • Network and Computer Security
  • Fundamentals to Database
  • Industrial Training

Year Three

  • Operating System
  • Computer Trouble Shooting
  • Linux Programming
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