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Master in Computer Science

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Management and Science University (MSU)

Master in Computer Science

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Management and Science University (MSU)

Master in Computer Science

Master's Degree
13 years
English Requirement
Not Required
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
No data
Other Fees
Description Fee
No data

Would you like to apply to
Management and Science University (MSU) ?

The Master in Computer Science program is a graduate degree that equips students with advanced knowledge and skills in computer science, covering areas such as algorithms, programming languages, databases, networks, and software engineering. It prepares students for diverse career opportunities in software development, data science, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and more.

Future Careers

  • Software engineers/developers
  • Data scientists
  • AI/machine learning engineers 
  • Cybersecurity specialists 
  • Systems analysts 
  • IT project managers 
  • Research scientists 
  • Technical consultants.
  • Advanced Research Method
  • Graduate Seminar
  • Quantitative Methods for Computer Science
  • Thesis Writing
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