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Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences

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Sunway University

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences

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Sunway University

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences

Doctoral Degree (PhD)
3 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 16,560
2nd YearMYR 16,560
3rd YearMYR 16,560
Other Fees
Description Fee
Deposit (refundable)MYR 1,000
Enrolment Fee (non-refundable)MYR 700
International Administrative Fee (Yearly)MYR 1,980
Student Resource Fee (Yearly)MYR 3,200
Visa and InsuranceMYR 2,400

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Candidates for the Doctoral Degree in Mathematical Sciences embark in high quality and innovative research in the broad field of mathematical sciences, that demonstrates the beauty of numbers and algorithms, and their usefulness in decision-making and problem-solving.

This research programme aims to develop a student's research skills in one of the many exciting areas of mathematics, ranging from pure mathematics, applied mathematics to applied statistics. Working closely with experienced supervisors, students will be exposed to the different aspects of research activities, including undertaking a comprehensive literature review, identifying areas of research contribution, and communicating research results via journal publications and conference presentations.

The programme will equip students with strong mathematical, analytical and statistical data analysis skills, to become experts and well-qualified researchers.

Entry Requirements

  • Master’s Degree
  • A Master Degree in mathematical sciences or related fields
  • Other Qualifications
  • Any other qualifications will be considered on a case-to-case basis and subject to the approval and acceptance by University Senate.

Programme Structure

The programme consists of core modules and followed by a research thesis.

Candidates are required to complete three modules, namely Research Methodology, Academic Writing, and Research Proposal, in addition to the thesis component. By undergoing these modules, candidates will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct research successfully towards the completion of the thesis.

The PhD is awarded based on the successful completion of a thesis. The thesis should demonstrate proficiency, criticality and mastery in the subject or chosen area of research.

The School has a dedicated team of academicians and in-house actuaries who will mentor and discuss possible research topics with you in the following areas of research interests, but not limited to:

  • Applied econometrics
  • Big data analytics
  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Evolutionary computation
  • Graph theory and combinatorics
  • Neural networks
  • Optimal control and numerical optimization
  • Statistical modeling
  • Statistical process control
  • Time series analysis and forecasting
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