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Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology

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Sunway University

Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology

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Sunway University

Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology

Doctoral Degree (PhD)
3 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 15,730
2nd YearMYR 15,730
Other Fees
Description Fee
Deposit (refundable)MYR 1,000
Enrolment Fee (non-refundable)MYR 700
International Administrative Fee (Yearly)MYR 1,980
Student Resource Fee (Yearly)MYR 3,200
Visa and InsuranceMYR 2,400

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The Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology degree at Sunway University is a research higher degree. This research postgraduate programme equips graduates with advanced knowledge of research methods and the skills to independently conduct research in many areas of behavioural science. Students conduct original research which extends the frontiers of knowledge in a specialised area of Psychology. As a result of acquiring the abilities needed to undertake independent research, graduates will also develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills which can be applied in their future learning and work environments.

The core domains of Psychology are: Biological Psychology (which includes the areas of hormones and behaviour, brain function, and genetics), Cognitive Psychology (which includes the areas of attention, perception, learning, and language), Developmental Psychology (which includes the areas of lifespan development, and the social and cultural contexts of development), Individual Differences (which includes the areas of personality, intelligence, motivation, and mental health), Social Psychology (which includes the areas of attribution, attitudes, group processes and intergroup relations, and close relationships), and Research Methods (which includes the techniques for the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to answer a certain question or solve a problem).

Completion of the programme allows students to become experts who are able to facilitate and contribute to the advancement of Psychology. This is a required qualification for people who wish to go onto a career as an academic or independent researcher in Psychology.

Entry Requirements

Bachelor’s Degree

A Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology or equivalent with a CGPA of 3.00 AND

Master’s Degree

A Master’s degree in Psychology

Other Qualifications

Any other qualifications will be considered on a case-to-case basis*

*For case-to-case basis an interview may be required and will  subject to the approval and acceptance by the University Senate. 

Programme Structure

Prior to starting their thesis, students complete two taught modules: Advanced Research Methods and Advanced Statistics. These modules help students develop the necessary skills to complete their research proposal. 

In consultation with their research supervisors, students identify a research problem based on findings from existing research. They then design and conduct research on the identified problem or issue using a range of scientific techniques while following the required ethical standards. They, therefore, make a unique contribution to understanding the issue under consideration or developing new solutions to address the identified problem.

The Psychology Department has three research groups: Well-being & Community Psychology, Organisational & Work Psychology, and Cognitive & Experimental Psychology. This broad range of expertise means we have research supervision in the following areas:

  • Healthy Ageing
  • Mental Health and Well-being
  • Organisational Health
  • Individual and the Workplace
  • Psychology and Sustainability
  • Education (i.e. learning environment & technology, Inclusive education, etc.)
  • Parenting (i.e socioemotional development, family mealtime, etc)
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Cognitive Experimental (i.e. face perception, sense of agency, speech perception, body image, etc.)


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