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Doctor of Philosophy (Computing)

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Sunway University

Doctor of Philosophy (Computing)

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Sunway University

Doctor of Philosophy (Computing)

Doctoral Degree (PhD)
3 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 16,560
2nd YearMYR 16,560
3rd YearMYR 16,560
Other Fees
Description Fee
Deposit (refundable)MYR 1,000
Enrolment Fee (non-refundable)MYR 700
International Administrative FeeMYR 5,940
Student Resource FeeMYR 9,600
Visa and InsuranceMYR 2,400

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Doctor of Philosophy in Computing at Sunway University aims to develop students' research skills at an advanced level in some crucial areas of computing. Candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy in Computing at Sunway University will be leaders and innovators in the fields of computing, information and communications technology.

The core domains of this programme are: Computer Networking,  Information Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Science, Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Haptics and Software Engineering.

By working under the close guidance of supervisors, students will be exposed to the many aspects of research activities including conducting a critical analysis of the literature, identifying areas of contribution, compiling information, and communicating ideas through journal publications and conference presentations. 

Entry Requirements

Master’s Degree

A Master’s Degree in Computing or related fields. Candidates holding a Master’s degree in a field other than Computing will be considered provided they hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Computing or a closely related field.

Other Qualifications

Any other qualifications will be considered on a case-to-case basis and subject to the approval and acceptance by University Senate.


Programme Structure

Candidates are required to take three modules namely Research Methodology, Directed Readings and Research Proposal to enhance their knowledge in research, in addition to the thesis component.

The PhD is awarded based on the successful completion of a thesis. The thesis should demonstrate proficiency, criticality and mastery in the subject or chosen area of research.

Our researchers are highly accomplished, internationally recognised, and experienced with proven track records with expertise in areas of research including (but not limited to): 

For other research areas, do write in to our contacts listed below.       

  • Computer Networking
  • Information Systems
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Information Science
  • Image Processing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Mining
  • Haptics
  • Software Engineering
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