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Doctor of Philosophy in Hospitality and Tourism

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Sunway University

Doctor of Philosophy in Hospitality and Tourism

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Sunway University

Doctor of Philosophy in Hospitality and Tourism

Doctoral Degree (PhD)
3 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 16,560
2nd YearMYR 16,560
3rd YearMYR 16,560
Other Fees
Description Fee
Deposit (refundable)MYR 1,000
Enrolment Fee (non-refundable)MYR 700
International Administrative FeeMYR 5,940
Student Resource FeeMYR 9,600
Visa and InsuranceMYR 2,400

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The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Hospitality and Tourism at Sunway University is a PhD by research programme.  PhD students at the School of Hospitality and Service Management can delve into a research topic which they are passionate about and is relevant to the field. For those pursuing a career in the hospitality field, PhD research can be of significance to the student's current or future employment. It can also contribute to new knowledge in specialized fields related to hospitality, tourism, and the service sector industries.

This PhD programme builds and strengthens research skills through thought-provoking research seminars provided by renowned international scholars, research methods training and independent research under supervision. The features of the programme create research opportunities for students through our unique offering, and collaboration with our national and international partners and networks within ASEAN and beyond.

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest level of academic qualification one can achieve and will set graduates apart and places them at the forefront of their chosen field of research.

PhD students at the School of Hospitality and Service Management are also invited to join the Asia Pacific Centre for Hospitality Research (APCHR), supporting their journey to become part of an international community and a group of respected scholars who actively shape and promote advancements in hospitality and tourism.

Entry Requirements

  1. A Master’s Degree (Level 7, MQF) or its equivalent in hospitality, tourism, or related fields as accepted by the University’s Senate.
  2. Candidates who have a master’s in a field that is not related to hospitality and tourism may be accepted if:
    • the first Degree is in hospitality, tourism or related field; OR have three (3) years of working experiences in hospitality and tourism related industry.
    • Candidates whose master’s or first degree is not related to the fields of hospitality/tourism and without working experiences in the relevant fields, must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses prior to registering the programme.

Programme Structure

All PhD students will enroll in the ‘Research Methods for Hospitality and Tourism’ subject, which advances students’ understanding in and application of developing, conducting, and disseminating their own research. 

PhD candidates will be empowered to complete an in-depth study on a particular research topic in the form of a thesis, substantiated by a series of academic milestones including a proposal defense and a viva voce, where the research outcomes ultimately contribute to the knowledge base of hospitality and tourism and its scholarly and professional communities.

Additional required academic activities are regular consultations with the supervisory team, regular progress reports, participation in research seminars, the completion of a research ethics workshop and training programme, a conference presentation, and the submission of a manuscript to an academic journal. 

We have a team of dedicated Supervisors with expertise in areas of research including (but not limited to):

  • Hospitality and service management
  • Food, health, and well-being
  • Sustainability in tourism and the service industries
  • Events and destination management
  • Mobilities
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