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Master in Medical Science

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Sunway University

Master in Medical Science

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Sunway University

Master in Medical Science

Master's Degree
2 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 21,450
2nd YearMYR 21,450
Other Fees
Description Fee
Deposit (refundable)MYR 1,000
Enrolment Fee (non-refundable)MYR 700
International Administrative Fee (Yearly)MYR 1,980
Student Resource Fee (Yearly)MYR 3,200
Visa and InsuranceMYR 2,400

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The Master in Medical Science at Sunway University is a research-based programme for students who have graduated from a bachelor’s degree in medical science or a related field and wish to develop research capabilities in the field. It aims to nurture students with holistic approaches and includes opportunities for national or international collaborations, specialised training activities (seminars, workshops, etc), and a rich clinical research experience.

Medical science studies the biological mechanisms underlying the function of human body, with the emphasis on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. Research coverage of medical science is very broad and it ranges from basic biology to oncology; chemistry to pharmacology; and physics to radiotherapy.

In line with the departmental mission and vision, we undertake research in 4 key focus areas:


To improve the knowledge of diseases and understand the underlying causes, the molecular pathways and the genes involved in disease. This fundamental knowledge of disease can then be used to develop diagnostic methods.


To explore the use of modern technologies or natural resources to address diseases and any other medical challenges. This includes “proof of concept” studies or prototyping approaches.


To determine the pattern of distribution and effects of disease in the community so that the future occurrence of disease can be prevented. Observational studies can be used to study distributions and analytical studies are used to study the effects of disease.


To promote human health and subsequently life satisfaction for all at all ages. We measure, analyse and manage well being in response to uncertainty and with respect to ageing, nutrition, climate change, physical, mental and social health.

Entry Requirements

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Medical Sciences with minimum CGPA of 2.75 or equivalent, as accepted by the Sunway University Senate; OR
  • A Bachelor’s degree in Medical Sciences or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 and not meeting CGPA of 2.75, can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment; OR
  • A Bachelor’s degree in Medical Sciences or equivalent not meeting CGPA of 2.50, can be accepted subject to a minimum of 5 years working experience in relevant field.
  • An APEL.A Certificate (APEL T-7) (Recognition of Prior Learning) (Click on this link for further information on APEL.A)

Programme Structure

All research students are required to undertake two modules. The two modules are as listed below:

This is a taught course and students are required to pass this module before the commencement of project. Students will have a designated supervisor who is a member of academic staff with research expertise in the student’s area of study.

At the end of work completion, students are expected to submit their Master’s thesis for examination and attend a defence for their thesis. 

The School has a dedicated team of Supervisors with expertise in areas of research including (but not limited to):

  • Aging and Geriatrics
  • Cardiovascular Research
  • Communicable Diseases
  • Eco-health
  • Genomics and Precision Medicine
  • Neuroscience
  • Non-communicable Diseases
  • Oncology
  • Public Health and Organisational Health
  • Pharmacy
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