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MSc in Life Sciences

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Sunway University

MSc in Life Sciences

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Sunway University

MSc in Life Sciences

Master's Degree
2 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 19,300
2nd YearMYR 19,300
Other Fees
Description Fee
Deposit (refundable)MYR 1,000
Enrolment Fee (non-refundable)MYR 700
International Administrative FeeMYR 3,960
Student Resource Fee (Yearly)MYR 3,200
Visa and InsuranceMYR 2,400

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The MSc in life sciences programme at Sunway University will provide students with the opportunity to conduct original research, which extends the frontiers of knowledge in a specialised area of their choice in Life Sciences.

The programme provides advanced knowledge of, and training in, research methods that will enable students to apply knowledge and skills as researchers, practitioners and administrators in many fields of life sciences and assist them in obtaining employment in the healthcare and biopharmaceutical industry.

The MSc in Life Sciences is offered in partnership with Lancaster University, UK. On successful completion of the programme, the graduates will be awarded two certificates, making them graduates of both Sunway University and Lancaster University.

Entry Requirements

Bachelor’s Degree

A Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences (e.g. Medical Biotech, Biomedicine, etc) or a related field; with minimum CGPA of 2.75 or equivalent


An APEL.A Certificate (APEL T-7) (Recognition of Prior Learning) (Click on this link for further information on APEL.A)

Other Qualifications

Any other qualifications will be considered on a case-to-case basis and subject to the approval and acceptance by University Senate.

Programme Structure

The MSc in Life Sciences consists of one taught module and one thesis. Students will be required to complete one taught module, namely Research Methodology, before they proceed to writing the thesis. By undergoing this module, candidates will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct research successfully towards the Master’s degree.

Students will learn about current approaches to research design, data analysis and scientific writing. At the end of this module, candidates will be expected to formulate and submit a proposal for research in an area of their interest or specialisation. Candidates will also develop the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct research  successfully.

Production of thesis is based on students’ original research throughout the candidature. The MSc is awarded based on the successful completion of a thesis. The thesis should demonstrate proficiency, criticality and mastery in the subject or chosen area of research.

The School has a dedicated team of Supervisors with expertise in areas of research including (but not limited to):

  • Antimicrobials
  • Bioinformatics
  • Cancer biology and therapeutics
  • Cell biology
  • Ecology and conservation
  • Infectious diseases
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular biology and genetics
  • Neurobiology
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Virology


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