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Diploma in Computer Science

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UNITEN University Malaysia (Universiti Tenaga Nasional)

Diploma in Computer Science

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UNITEN University Malaysia (Universiti Tenaga Nasional)

Diploma in Computer Science

2.5 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 13,120
2nd YearMYR 13,120
Other Fees
Description Fee
Application Fee MYR 1,000
Deposit (Refundable) MYR 300
EMGS Application Fee (Visa)MYR 2,150
Registration Fee MYR 6,600

Would you like to apply to
UNITEN University Malaysia (Universiti Tenaga Nasional) ?

The Diploma in Computer Science Program at UNITEN University Malaysia offers a variety of subjects including Data Communication, Statistics, User Experience Design, and Data Science. Students also complete a Final Year project and gain industry experience through an Industrial Training program. Graduates have the flexibility to pursue related Bachelor programs in Computer Science or Information Technology.

Future Careers

  • Computer & Network Researcher
  • Computer Programmer
  • Cryptographer
  • Embedded System Programmer
  • Forensics Investigator / Analyst
  • Information Security Officer
  • JAVA/ J2EE/ PHP/ .NET Developer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Penetration Tester / Vulnerability Assessor
  • Secure Software Developer
  • Security Administrator
  • Security Analyst
  • Security Auditor
  • Security Consultant
  • Security Engineer
  • Security Incident Responder
  • Software Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Software Tester
  • Solutions Architect
  • System Administrator
  • System Integrator
  • System / Network Engineer
  • System / Network Administrator
  • System / Network Consultant
  • Technical Consultant
  • Web Developer.

Year 1: Semester 1

  • Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving Techniques
  •  Algebra and Calculus
  •  Computer Organization
  • Multimedia Technologies
  •  English for Diploma

Year 1: Semester 2

  •  Programming 1
  • PC Maintenance and Troubleshooting
  •  Data Communication and Computer Networks
  • Database Systems
  • User Experience (UX) Design
  • Statistic for Computer

Year 1: Special Semester

  • Leadership and Entrepreneurship
  •  Discrete Structures
  • IT Communication

Year 2: Semester 4

  • Programming 2
  • Web Programming
  • System Administration
  • System Analysis and Design
  • Discrete Structures
  • Fundamentals of Operating Systems
  • Technical Elective 1

Year 2: Semester 5

  •  Data Structures and Algorithms
  •  Fundamental of Cyber Security
  •  Fundamentals of Data Science
  •  Technical Elective 2
  •  Pengajian Malaysia 2 / *Malaysia Culture for International Students

Year 2: Special Semester

  •  Industrial Training

Year 3: Semester 7

  • Object-oriented Programming
  • Project

 Technical Elective 3

  • Pengajian Islam dan Kemasyarakatan/Pendidikan Moral dan Kemasyarakatan / *Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 1
  • Technical Elective Subjects
  • E-Commerce and Digital Marketing
  • Multimedia Application Authoring and Development
  • Introduction to IoT programming
  • Mobile Application Developmen
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Games Development

Subject marked (*) is required for International students only.

Credit Hours : 90

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