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Doctor of Philosophy (Education)

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Universiti Geomatika Malaysia
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Universiti Geomatika Malaysia

Doctor of Philosophy (Education)

Doctoral Degree (PhD)
3 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 16,000
2nd YearMYR 16,000
3rd YearMYR 16,000
Other Fees
Description Fee
Emgs FeeMYR 2,650
Enrollment Fee MYR 1,500
International Student Management & Facilities Fee MYR 3,000

Would you like to apply to
Universiti Geomatika Malaysia ?

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Education is a doctoral degree that emphasizes advanced research and scholarship in the education field. It is the highest academic degree in this domain, typically pursued by those aspiring to become researchers, scholars, or leaders in education. The Ph.D. in Education program combines coursework, independent research, and a thesis completion. The coursework provides students with a strong foundation in academic writing and research methodologies. Graduates are expected to produce cutting-edge research outputs in the form of theses, patents, products, new advanced professional practices, advanced technologies, or innovative models.

Entry Requirement

  • Master’s Degree

A master’s degree as accepted by the HEP Senate.


For other qualifications and certificates (e.g., UEC, Foundation, STAM, etc..) please contact our educational consultants or submit your application for Admission assessment.

Employment opportunities are available as per the following :

  • Education Administrator
  • School Teacher
  • Educational Researcher
  • Associate Professor/Professor

First Semster

  • Research Methodology
  • Academic Writing

Second Semster

  • Thesis

Third Semster 

  • Thesis
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