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UTM University Malaysia

UTM University Malaysia

About UTM University Malaysia

UTM is a research university that focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship in the areas of engineering, science, and technology. As the most prominent graduate research university in technology, UTM is known for its pioneering education and advanced research. Its goal is to cultivate innovative human talent and encourage technological innovation. The foundation of knowledge at UTM is based on the divine law of Allah, which the university upholds as it strives to make significant contributions in the fields of science, engineering, and technology for the betterment of humanity.

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Study at UTM University Malaysia

UTM is committed to providing outstanding academic, research, and promotion programs that will enrich your life and equip students with the skills they need to overcome challenges and seize opportunities in today's interconnected world. We take great pride in welcoming you to our world-famous university and breathtaking campus and supporting your growth.

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UTM University Malaysia courses and fees for International students

ProgramTuition Fees per YearDuration
Bachelor of Software Engineering with HonoursMYR 14,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Software Engineering with HonoursMYR 14,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Computer Networks and Security) with HonoursMYR 14,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Graphics and Multimedia Software) with HonoursMYR 14,0624 year(s)
Master of Cyber Security - ODLMYR 01.5 year(s)
Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence with HonoursMYR 14,0623 year(s)
ProgramTuition Fees per YearDuration
Bachelor of Science in Property Management with HonoursMYR 04 year(s)
Bachelor of Accounting with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Management (Marketing) with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Management (Technology) with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Management with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Real Estate with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Master of Assets and Facilities ManagementMYR 22,8391 year(s)
Master of Science (Construction Contract Management)MYR 22,8391 year(s)
Master in Land Administration and DevelopmentMYR 20,1381 year(s)
Master in Information Technology EntrepreneurshipMYR 28,4861 year(s)
Master of Information : Information Technology managementMYR 22,8391 year(s)
Master of Philosophy (Management) - ResearchMYR 21,7391 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy (Management) - ResearchMYR 02 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy (Information System) - ResearchMYR 02 year(s)
Master of Science Food in Processing InnovationMYR 12,4201.5 year(s)
Doctor of Business AdministrationMYR 17,9313 year(s)
Master of Business AdministrationMYR 14,2471.5 year(s)
Master of Business Administration - ODLMYR 01 year(s)
ProgramTuition Fees per YearDuration
Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical - Mechatronics)MYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Civil Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Materials) with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Industrial) with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautics) with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Automotive) with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing) with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Science in Architecture with HonoursMYR 13,0063 year(s)
Bachelor of Geomatics Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Electronic System Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Mechanical Precision Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Chemical Process Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Gas) with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Nuclear Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0323 year(s)
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture with HonoursMYR 12,0623 year(s)
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Bioprocess) with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with HonoursMYR 15,0324 year(s)
Master of Engineering (Structure)MYR 13,6702 year(s)
Master in Geotechnical EngineeringMYR 13,6702 year(s)
Master of Engineering (Geotechnics)MYR 27,3391 year(s)
Master in Transportation EngineeringMYR 13,6702 year(s)
Master of Engineering (Transportation)MYR 27,3391 year(s)
Master of Engineering (Hydraulic & Hydrology)MYR 27,3391 year(s)
Master of Engineering in Hydraulic & HydrologyMYR 27,3391 year(s)
Master of Engineering (Environment Management)MYR 13,6702 year(s)
Master of Engineering (Civil)MYR 13,6702 year(s)
Master of Forensics EngineeringMYR 13,6702 year(s)
Master of Project ManagementMYR 13,6702 year(s)
Master of Petroleum EngineeringMYR 13,6701.5 year(s)
Master of Science in Energy ManagementMYR 27,3391 year(s)
Master of Science in Process Plant ManagementMYR 27,3391 year(s)
Master of Science (Safety, Health and Environment)MYR 27,3391 year(s)
Master of Engineering (Bioprocess)MYR 13,6701.5 year(s)
Master of Engineering Specialization: ChemicalMYR 13,6701.5 year(s)
Doctor of Engineering in Process Plant ManagementMYR 17,0793 year(s)
Master of Philosophy in Gas EngineeringMYR 27,3391 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy in Gas EngineeringMYR 17,0793 year(s)
Master of Philosophy in Polymer EngineeringMYR 27,3391 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy in Polymer EngineeringMYR 17,0793 year(s)
Master of Philosophy in Environmental EngineeringMYR 27,3391 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental EngineeringMYR 17,0793 year(s)
Master of Philosophy in Bioprocess EngineeringMYR 13,6701.5 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy in Bioprocess EngineeringMYR 17,0793 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy Chemical EngineeringMYR 17,0793 year(s)
Master of Science (Biomedical Engineering)MYR 13,6701.5 year(s)
Master of Engineering in Wireless Communication and NetworkMYR 27,3391 year(s)
Master of Engineering (Computer and Microelectronic Systems) MYR 27,3391 year(s)
Master of Engineering (Electrical Power)MYR 27,3391 year(s)
Master of Engineering (Mechatronics and Automatic Control)MYR 13,6701.5 year(s)
Master of Philosophy (Biomedical Engineering)MYR 13,6702 year(s)
Master of Philosophy (Rehabilitation Technology)MYR 13,6702 year(s)
Master of Philosophy in Electrical EngineeringMYR 13,6701.5 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical EngineeringMYR 12,8103.5 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy (Health Science)MYR 17,0793 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Engineering)MYR 17,0793 year(s)
Master of ArchitectureMYR 13,6702 year(s)
Master of PhilosophyMYR 27,3391 year(s)
Doctor of PhilosophyMYR 25,6192 year(s)
ProgramTuition Fees per YearDuration
Bachelor of Science (Human Resource Development) with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Psychology with Human Resource Development with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) with HonoursMYR 6,1524 year(s)
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science (Physics) with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science (Biology) with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science (Industrial Chemistry) with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science (Industrial Mathematics) with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science (Industrial Physics) with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science in Construction with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science Geoinformatics with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science in Land Administration and Development with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Science (Industrial Design) with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
ProgramTuition Fees per YearDuration
Master of Human Resource Development (Taught-Course Mode)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
ProgramTuition Fees per YearDuration
Bachelor of Education (Teaching English as a Second Language) with HonoursMYR 10,0624 year(s)
Master of Education (Chemistry)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Curriculum & Instruction)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Education and Development)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Educational Psychology)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Educational Technology)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling)MYR 11,4202 year(s)
Master of Education (Management and Administration)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Mathematics)MYR 11,4201 year(s)
Master of Education (Measurement and Evaluation)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Physics)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Teaching English as a Second Language)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Technical and Vocational Education)MYR 11,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Educational Technology) - ODLMYR 01 year(s)
Master of Education (Physics) - ODLMYR 01.5 year(s)
Master of Education (Mathematics) - ODLMYR 01.5 year(s)
ProgramTuition Fees per YearDuration
Master of Language in Communication and Digital CultureMYR 22,8391 year(s)
Master of Language in Communication and Digital Culture - ODLMYR 01.5 year(s)
ProgramTuition Fees per YearDuration
Bachelor of Quantity Surveying with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning with HonoursMYR 12,0624 year(s)
Master of Science in Computer Systems EngineeringMYR 11,2721.5 year(s)
Master of Science (Informatics)MYR 22,5431 year(s)
Master of Science (Business Intelligence and Analytics)MYR 11,2722 year(s)
Master of Science (Information Assurance)MYR 11,2721.5 year(s)
Master of Science (Technology and Innovation Policy)MYR 12,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Science (Engineering Business Management)MYR 14,9221.5 year(s)
Master of Science (Engineering Education)MYR 13,9471.5 year(s)
Master of Science (Engineering Design)MYR 14,9471.5 year(s)
Master of Science (Sustainable Urban Design)MYR 11,5541.5 year(s)
Master of Professional ScienceMYR 12,9471.5 year(s)
Master of Software EngineeringMYR 13,6701.5 year(s)
Master of Science (Sustainable Infrastructure)MYR 14,9471.5 year(s)
Engineering Doctorate (Engineering Business Management)MYR 16,6143 year(s)
Master of Philosophy (Industrial Design)MYR 22,8391 year(s)
ProgramTuition Fees per YearDuration
Master of Human Resource DevelopmentMYR 12,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Philosophy Field of Research: Halal ScienceMYR 12,4201.5 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy Fiqh Science and TechnologyMYR 16,4793 year(s)
Master of Science (Geoinformatics)MYR 24,8391 year(s)
Master of Science (Geomatic Engineering)MYR 24,8391 year(s)
Master of Science (Real Estate)MYR 24,8391 year(s)
Master of Science (Remote Sensing)MYR 24,8391 year(s)
Master of Science (Tourism Planning)MYR 12,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Science (Transportation Planning)MYR 24,8391 year(s)
Master of Science (Urban and Regional Planning)MYR 24,8391 year(s)
Master of Forensic ScienceMYR 12,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Philosophy in ChemistryMYR 01 year(s)
Master of Science (Biotechnology)MYR 12,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Science in MathematicsMYR 12,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Science in Engineering MathematicsMYR 12,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Science in PhysicsMYR 12,4201.5 year(s)
Master of Philosophy Chemistry by ResearchMYR 24,7391 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry by ResearchMYR 14,0793 year(s)
Master of Philosophy Physics- by ResearchMYR 24,7391 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy Physics- by ResearchMYR 14,0793 year(s)
Master of Philosophy Mathematics- by ResearchMYR 24,7391 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy Mathematics- by ResearchMYR 14,0793 year(s)
Master of Philosophy Bioscience - by ResearchMYR 24,7391 year(s)
Doctor of Philosophy Bioscience - by ResearchMYR 14,0793 year(s)
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Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru

Frequently Asked Questions About UTM University Malaysia

Yes, they are Officially recognized by the Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia), and it has QS Global World Ranking 187.

Contact us to receive information about the start date of your programme.

Undergraduate Band 5.5 and above The minimum scores of 46 and above
Postgraduate Band 6.0 and above TOEFL (iBT) score of 60 and above

  • PDF copy of your passport (all pages).
  • White background photo.
  • High school certificate.

Yes, there is on-campus accommodation at UTM for single students is approximately USD100-200 per Limited family housing is also available on-campus for approximately USD120-250 per month.

There are a variety of condos, hostels, and houses near UTM University. We usually assist students in arranging accommodation for those who apply with us.

UTM University has 2 campuses ;

  1. The main campus at Sultan Ibrahim Chancellery Building, Jalan Iman, 81310 Skudai, Johor.
  2. Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, Kampung Datuk Keramat, 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.

Registration steps at UTM University Malaysia

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Eligibility Letter
Student Visa Process
Airport Pickup
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university registration step 1 number Eligibility Letter university registration step 1 image
university registration step 1 number Student Visa Process university registration step 1 image
university registration step 1 number Accomodation university registration step 1 image
university registration step 1 number Airport Pickup university registration step 1 image
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