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Master of Human Resource Development (Taught-Course Mode)

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UTM University Malaysia

Master of Human Resource Development (Taught-Course Mode)

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UTM University Malaysia

Master of Human Resource Development (Taught-Course Mode)

Master's Degree
1.5 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Fees Applies
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 11,420
2nd YearMYR 11,420
Other Fees
Description Fee
Approx. Visa FeeMYR 1,950
Avg. Personal Bond FeeMYR 1,500
Intensive English Program IEP (If Applicable)MYR 4,900
Registration FeeMYR 3,661
University Application FeeMYR 450

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The Master of Human Resource Development (Taught-Course Mode) program at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia focuses on enhancing organizational performance by harnessing the potential of its most valuable asset: its human staff. This program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate systematic learning, improve performance, and drive organizational change. Through this program, students will learn to assess development interventions and recommend effective solutions to enhance the capabilities of their organization. By nurturing HRD practitioners, the program aims to empower individuals to elevate their organizations to new heights of success. Graduates of this program will be equipped with the expertise to contribute effectively to the field of Human Resource Development and drive positive organizational outcomes.

Year 1 : Semester 1

  • Strategic Human Resource Development
  • Contemporary Adult Learning
  • Seminar in Leadership Development
  • Human Performance Improvement
  • Elective I

Year 1 : Semester 2

  • University General Course
  • Organizational Change and Development
  • Research Method in Learning  & Development
  • Elective II
  • Elective III

Year 2 : Semester 1

  • Human Resource Analytics
  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Master Project*
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