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Master of Petroleum Engineering

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UTM University Malaysia

Master of Petroleum Engineering

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UTM University Malaysia

Master of Petroleum Engineering

Master's Degree
1.5 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Fees Applies
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 13,670
2nd YearMYR 13,670
Other Fees
Description Fee
Approx. Visa FeeMYR 1,950
Avg. Personal Bond FeeMYR 1,500
Intensive English Program IEP (If Applicable)MYR 4,900
Registration FeeMYR 3,661
University Application FeeMYR 450

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UTM University Malaysia ?

The Master of Petroleum Engineering program at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia is designed to achieve specific Program Educational Objectives (PEOs). Graduates of this program are equipped with a deep understanding of petroleum engineering principles and apply this knowledge effectively in their professional endeavors. They possess the skills to manage work environments that foster productivity and readily take on various challenging roles in global petroleum engineering positions. Through their proficiency in teamwork, leadership, and communication, graduates excel in their field. Furthermore, they demonstrate a strong commitment to ethical responsibilities, including addressing social issues, prioritizing safety and environmental awareness. Graduates of this program also exhibit a dedication to continuous personal and professional growth, ensuring they stay current in their field and contribute positively to the industry.

The Semester 1

  • Applied Geoscience &Geophysics
  • Drilling Engineering & Well Completion
  •  Reservoir Rock & Fluid Properties
  • Formation Evaluation
  • Research Methodology

The Semester 2

  • Petroleum Economics & Management
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Petroleum Production Engineering
  • Programme Elective I
  • Masters Project I




The Semester 3

  • University Elective
  • Field Development Project
  • Programme Elective II
  • Masters Project II


  • Enhanced Oil Recovery
  • Reservoir Simulation
  • Water flooding
  • Well Completion & Diagnosis
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