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Master of Science Food in Processing Innovation

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UTM University Malaysia

Master of Science Food in Processing Innovation

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UTM University Malaysia

Master of Science Food in Processing Innovation

Master's Degree
1.5 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Fees Applies
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 12,420
2nd YearMYR 12,420
Other Fees
Description Fee
Approx. Visa FeeMYR 1,950
Avg. Personal Bond FeeMYR 1,500
Intensive English Program IEP (If Applicable)MYR 4,900
Registration FeeMYR 3,661
University Application FeeMYR 450

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UTM University Malaysia ?

The Master of Science in Food Processing Innovation (MSc Foodi) program at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia is designed for graduates and professionals seeking to advance their careers in the food industry. This program aims to enhance participants' understanding of the development process of food innovation, encompassing concept ideation to finalization. With a strong emphasis on design thinking, the curriculum offers an industry-driven syllabus that covers multiple disciplines, providing graduates with a comprehensive and inclusive learning experience.

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