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Master of Science in Process Plant Management

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UTM University Malaysia

Master of Science in Process Plant Management

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UTM University Malaysia

Master of Science in Process Plant Management

Master's Degree
1 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Fees Applies
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 27,339
Other Fees
Description Fee
Approx. Visa FeeMYR 1,950
Avg. Personal Bond FeeMYR 1,500
Intensive English Program IEP (If Applicable)MYR 4,900
Registration FeeMYR 3,661
University Application FeeMYR 450

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The Master of Science in Process Plant Management program at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia recognizes the increasing importance of managers who can drive change and contribute to the development of a high-growth and sustainable process industry in the context of globalization. In response to this demand, the program offers the Integrated Process Plant Management Scheme (IPPMS), a modular-based training program designed to equip qualified professionals from the chemical and related industries with the necessary competencies and practical knowledge. This program empowers participants to effectively transfer, adapt, and integrate new technologies essential to process plant management. By preparing graduates to be future-ready, the program aims to foster the advancement of the nation within the global framework, facilitating progress and innovation in the field of process plant management.

The Semester 1

  • Introduction to Chemical Process & Equipment
  • Energy Management
  • Environmental Management Plan
  • Research Methodology And Value Creation Through Innovation

The Semester 2

  • University Compulsory
  • Chemical Processes & Equipment
  • Process Operation, Control & Troubleshooting
  • Financial Analysis & Control System
  • Master Project 1

The Semester 3

  • Quality Management
  • Elective
  • Master Project 2


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