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Master of Science (Transportation Planning)

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UTM University Malaysia

Master of Science (Transportation Planning)

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UTM University Malaysia

Master of Science (Transportation Planning)

Master's Degree
1 years
English Requirement
Offer Letter
Fees Applies
Class Type
Course Fee for International Students
Yearly Tuition fees
Year Fee
1st YearMYR 24,839
Other Fees
Description Fee
Approx. Visa FeeMYR 1,950
Avg. Personal Bond FeeMYR 1,500
Intensive English Program IEP (If Applicable)MYR 4,900
Registration FeeMYR 3,661
University Application FeeMYR 450

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The Master of Science (Transportation Planning) program at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia recognizes the crucial role of efficient transportation in a country's overall development. In particular, developing countries require high-quality transport and infrastructure facilities to support both urban and rural growth effectively. The program acknowledges the importance of implementing appropriate policies and practical planning and engineering strategies in these nations. With the aim of enhancing professional comprehension of the interplay between transport services, land use, and economic development, the Department of Urban and Regional Planning offers a tailored M.Sc. course in Transport Planning designed specifically to address the unique needs and challenges faced by developing countries.

University General Courses (1 ONLY)

Core Faculty Courses (Compulsory)

  • Research Methodology

Core Courses (Compulsory)

  • Transport Law
  • Planning Analytical Methods
  • Logistics And Freight Transportation
  • Public Transport Systems And Operations
  • Transport Law
  • Planning Analytical Methods
  • Transport Geography
  • Transport Risks, Safety And Security

Elective Courses (Choose 3 only)

  • Transport Economics
  • Transport, Society And The Environment
  • Case Studies In Public Transportation
  • Case Studies In Freight Transportation
  • Sustainable Land Use Planning
  • Urban Governance And Management
  • Spatial Analysis Tools (GIS) 

Project (Compulsory)

  • Research Project
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